sabato 17 gennaio 2009

Cenci: food of the Carnivale gods

I'm not sure why I have never had cenci before coming to Italy but I now know that I can no longer live without it. Cenci is hands down, the greatest thing this world has yet to offer me. and thats including Scott Speedman and sample sales. It is simply fried dough doused in powdered sugar. So simple and yet so overlooked in the states, it basically proves my long-standing belief that the best things in life usually require the least amount of effort. At least when it comes to delicious, sugary snacks.
After discovering cenci at a local pasticceria on my walk to class, I have scoured Florence (and most recently, Bologna) for more and have yet to be disappointed. An entire bag's worth is not enough to curb my craving and I fear leaving this country with the disappointment of never finding it in New York. A day is not complete without it and I curse the fact that I won't be in Italy to enjoy it on it's week of celebration, Carnivale, which as I understand it, was created so people could eat cenci.

1 commento:

  1. I love your blog! I just found it actually. I am going to Florence in December and this is just what I was looking for...

